(2%-Serious, 15%-Caring, 30%-Funny, 10%-Weird, 33%-Talkative, 10%Listener)
= 100% Harmith-Original & Pure * No added substances *

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    My Mood Decides It All
    22 April 2008 @ 9:51:00 PM

    Wat's In Harmith's miserable Life TODAY!
    Narrator Of This Guy's Life

    Well...the morning started off rough.Firstly like at Marsiling area there was like raining like hell then i was so lazy to take out my umbrella so....walked in the rain to the MRT. In MRT i was like freezing like hell...so cold! Then onced we reached school like the Mr Oh guy was like somehow giving lecture!(smhw like praising me) hahaha=)
    Did maths...did science.....went for recess.......did English......went for PE!
    In PE today was like the "competition day" as like our group vs the jonathan lim's group....we WON!=) wow!!!! we...........we got chocolate!(kit- kat)
    Today like after school somehow i was like moody...dunno why.Then ate lunch with ZM,YK,hairul.We talked and ate till abt 3pm.Then went to library....chatted with Ms Suffy........soooo FUN! Then actually wanted to use the computer that was booked by me but....i was sooo moody i went home after talking to seri in the Computer Room.
    Ok Pravin you are such a lame person u know going around disturbing people...u man or not?! Ok guys sorry if i miss treated you today. Well my tag board is like dead well any ways thanks guys for tagging!!! =)