(2%-Serious, 15%-Caring, 30%-Funny, 10%-Weird, 33%-Talkative, 10%Listener)
= 100% Harmith-Original & Pure * No added substances *

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    20 May 2008 @ 7:58:00 PM

    Wat's In Harmith's miserable Life TODAY!
    Narrator Of This Guy's Life

    Hi guys!Well had fun today! Celebrated Ms Santha (Mummy) birthday ! Erm.........i apologized to her leh! wow!(pat myself) haahhahaahaha............. erm..went to bitch(beach)hahahahaha erm......had fun there with sara yan kei hairul jun rong ashraf hahahahhahaha wow! feel like cleaner lor! haix..... still like so fun! hahahaha
    Erm.....then went to temple to check for grandma...... lata walk arounnd Khatib There we bought things so fun! hahahahhaha erm..........then like so cool! hahahaha stayed back at school and had fun! Erm... then walked around school with Sara yankei! hahahahahah erm.then left school thanks! sara! hahahahahaha erm......she pei me! thanks!!! erm.......... ya tmr i and sara confirm will be late! Yeah! hahahahahaha erm..................... hope she comes................ hahahahahaha u guys/ gals rawks! Jun Rong i m sorry ................for wat smhw i did today! erm.................