(2%-Serious, 15%-Caring, 30%-Funny, 10%-Weird, 33%-Talkative, 10%Listener)
= 100% Harmith-Original & Pure * No added substances *

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    25 July 2008 @ 8:49:00 PM

    Wat's In Harmith's miserable Life TODAY!
    Narrator Of This Guy's Life

    Hi guys! This post will be one thats a miracle as i finally post this week....... hahahha Well sry blog! for abondoning u like a idiot! SORRY! ok back to earth or is it mars.........well anyways highlights for the past days

    *Failed geography test
    * Had Napfa! - Did... 46 sit-ups
    10.8secs for shuttle run
    15 inclined pull-ups(stopped at 20secs. lazy to continue!)
    170cm for standing broad jump
    38cm for sit and reach
    * Science test got 13.5/25 (just pss happy yet sad)
    *Finally had Entreprenuer Club meeting, gonna sell things.......
    *Fun with ashraf after school for this whole week except today(he buzy only on fridays)
    *Lotz of fights and quarells with group ( -sloved-)
    *Played in the rain with ashraf and had fever AGAIN!
    *Had retest for Napfa____FAILED! still 170cm for jump thing
    * NO PE! lucky 2B! postponed to next week the 2.4km run)
    *Was somehow so worried abt geo retest-today!
    * Had a blast during assembly-1st time i really loved it!
    *Did something to someone and was misunderstood!(people ur wish la to believe wat u want)

    Back to FRIDAY! today! Well started off with Lit-rather i did the geo. Reteach scolded me and said : NO! wat u doing!? u r not allowed to do this in my lesson.especially u harmith>....
    me: laughed! as if she talking to two people! hahah
    Had geo retest! OMG! NO TIME! SERIOUSLY! i really hope we could at least get abt 45mins to do the test,no?!
    Had music.....things happened if u r not aware! good! i sang! i sang! i realized music is the only lesson i enjoy most in terms of personal things las vegas. I really could sing, no?! Harmith can SINGh!!!
    Had recess soon after........was oks las vegas......was somehow buzy entertaining my clients( school mates) did maths and man is it getting tougher day by day! Then was science! well usually i hated science but somehow i feel i should give MR____ a chance to be good and teach...so listened!
    After school had chicken rice with miao si xue ting( both are hen mei meis!) kai ying( gd fren) jun rong(my best dude!) -this people were at the 1st table other table is sara,yan kei, gina. had fun....no?! i was so happy and laughing suddenly was like pissed abt things.... then went to send xue ting to traffic light and intended to buy bubble tea....so far walk! pulled a string of ball hanging(dun ask). Then i had fun with gina,miao si,kai ying,jun rong. We toured yishun! like really! we walked all over yishun in 2hrs! omg! are we good or wat! ahhahahahaha had a fucking blast! i really loved this moment of the day! i would never forget it for the rest of my life! along with other moments too!
    Then reached school at 3pm and went to library-had fun....... talked played and helped ms isma with things.....zi lin is man funny!wei sze and jun rong are cool peeps and i also met a newbie- Fion?! she's cool and kind......rather silent and quiet gal nvm las vegas....... went back to library talked with wei sze jun rong and mdm ang! fun and kinda cool! then went home with sara - my best fren ever jun rong- best dude ever......btw yan kei mei u r the best mei ever along with miao si mei and xue ting mei! and gina is my cool fren...... ok back to earth.....then talked with best fren for a lon time....seriously all i can say is do wat i suggested or either forget HiM-alayas AHHAAHA u get it?! well seriously move on and dun worry and i will really do wat it takes to help but remember- one can only do so much to help, individual's attitude is wat matters.........
    Thanks to the followings:
    Yan Kei
    Jun Rong
    Miao Si
    Xue Ting
    ______________________________ thats all! these people have either made me laugh or helped me ! thanks and cya hopefully azz zoon az pussy bell