(2%-Serious, 15%-Caring, 30%-Funny, 10%-Weird, 33%-Talkative, 10%Listener)
= 100% Harmith-Original & Pure * No added substances *

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    23 April 2008 @ 8:46:00 PM

    Wat's In Harmith's miserable Life TODAY!
    Narrator Of This Guy's Life

    Hi guys!!! Well today kinda like woke up late so....like i was rushing for sch.....then like somehow was like chased in to the school! U know right there will be teachers there that will say "Faster! Faster! " today Mr Ng like smhw treating us like we gg to jail like prisoners(haha)!Well for like Maths smhw i sway lah! Ms Isma asked me to give her my book then she show the class wat i did! Hey! She praised my hand writing haha! ok then was like science-For the 1st time i was good! I did my work and even didnt talk for like about 45mins! (Its difficult u know,especially when u love talking).
    Went for recess- was like fun! Jun Rong and i hung out with Miao Si, Sheela and Xue Ting(all my mei mei/s) we kept slapping each other and keep pushing each other! ahaha soo halarious!!!! Then i fooled Ms Santha i told her,"Teacher ur zip isnt zipped! "Then she checked then she was like laughing coz she was wearing a skirt! haha! :) well i suppose that will the condition when one is stressed out,Ms Santha dont be so stressed!
    Then like today our group and vanessa group present! WOW! Like so PS lor i somehow soo stupid i prounoce some of the words wrongly! :O well then it went well till Ms Santha said must do about dunno wat wat then i was like ok ok ok! When vanessa group went she was like so funny! The Jin Shen keep disturbing ZiLin when she was doing the slide show thing-the whole class was laughing lor she like so dunno wat to say la hor !!well zilin fight back! Well english lesson was so-so then MT lesson like was also fun la!
    After school had lunch with Yan Kei,Jun Rong,Seri,Suhaini ! well after eating i and suhaini was like playing with the food!(we bad hor) then went to library....did the History thing then like smhw didnt do much the boys bully Yan Kei(i,JR,ashraf bully YK) sry yk!:( ok then went home abt 5.00+Then found more info about the history thing now doing it le well hope things goes well tmr! haha today i was happy till the end of the day! why????? dunno! hahaha