(2%-Serious, 15%-Caring, 30%-Funny, 10%-Weird, 33%-Talkative, 10%Listener)
= 100% Harmith-Original & Pure * No added substances *

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    First day of school, problems......
    23 June 2008 @ 7:39:00 PM

    Wat's In Harmith's miserable Life TODAY!
    Narrator Of This Guy's Life

    First day of school, Mid year! Hi guys! Today was like fun.....met yan kei mei early morning as usual! Then went to school.....wa we today so lucky no need to read story book .... boy! i was glad! Then like out of no where she said, Mrs Sim, we are going to assemble in the sports hall i was like wth!!!! Haix..........chatted with Yan Kei! mei! The arrangement is weird but can la...... then went back to class.

    Miss Siti was like late then the class was making lotz of noise and being inapporpriate for her to handle so she did it! She shouted at the class.....so then only the class noise simmered down! Hahahaha......She was asking about the holiday homework then i didn't do plus a few ppl too! Then like thank god she said till the end of the week ! phew!!!!!
    Then was mother tougue period! OMG! i was bored..........Then slept lor!
    Then recess like went to the staff room..to find miss santha ...gave her her thing....and chatted...till like recess gonna finish ...then left...went to find JUN rONG! he was missing in action! hahaha then eventually he sat ready so i was partner less....hahaha nvm got my water bottle! ahha
    Then was cloves! the form teacher was late again! then we went back to class and chatted with each other.....free period! haha
    Then Maths! The new teacher! I seriously dun understand wat he was teaching! I mean i can hardly see wat he was writing! Haix....chatted with Yan Kei! mei and sara best fren...... hahaha i n Jun rONG was like trying to understand was he was even saying......
    Then Geo!! the teacher was late again! this teacher reminds me of someone! someone like Jun Rong!!!!!!!!!!!! Always late! ahahha Then did the mind map thing then like did the so called brain storming session.....weird and weird!
    After class met the miss siti.....clarified the english compo thing and went to canteen to eat.
    Went to put bag and buy food. JuN rONG is really so ke lian! its like he 1st to queue up for the food at the shop but i yan kei mei and kaiying put bag and came back still he haven buy his food yet eventually i yan kei kaiying buy finish also then only he finish ....his queue soooo long! hahahaha nvm if u don't get it!
    Went To library to do maths homework...... ahha yan kei mei kaiying and miao si mei lefty at 3.30pm for CO left me seri xueting and jun rong! then we did the english thing i printed......... then went home! fun! chatted with jun rong ..... the train so fun! so empty! i was happy! ahahhaha then like jun rong left at yishun then left harmith...he slept in the train till marsiling he was bored!!!! ahhahaha
    Now finish sleeping and just rotting at home! haha i m NOT looking forward to tomorrow......DnT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY AM I SO UNLUCKY! I HATE THAT STUPID SUBJECT! HAIX..HOPEFULLY IT WILL FLY PASS LIKE FLIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HATE U DnT!
    Tmr can wake up late! yeah! so happy but i m worried if no one wakes me up i m DeAd!!!!! hahahah hate u dnt!