(2%-Serious, 15%-Caring, 30%-Funny, 10%-Weird, 33%-Talkative, 10%Listener)
= 100% Harmith-Original & Pure * No added substances *
= 100% Harmith-Original & Pure * No added substances *
03 June 2008 @ 5:44:00 PM
Wat's In Harmith's miserable Life TODAY!Narrator Of This Guy's Life
Hi guys! Today.... went to cinema. We met at Yishun MRT , supposely we must meet at 8am but i cam 8 a, sharp! followed by xue ting and miao si mei mei! Then the KING OF SLOWPOKE! jun rong he came at 8.40am! Wa so early ah! ahah ok then left for tampines century square in 969! then we walked towards the mall as quick as possible( me and xue ting) like amazing race participants! aahhaha
OMG! What a day man! Just as we were about to enter the mall the stupid guard was asking everyone to come out... why?!?!? FIRE DRILL!!!!! as if go fire hahahah....... well waited like mad people lor then at 9.50am we entered the mall and went to the theatre . Took our tickets and bought nachos and popcorn and coke! Wa we are also lucky! the room was like EMPTY! NO ONE THERE lor! hahahah except 3 gals.... i was insane inside... i shouted at the beginning of the movie and laughed like a bloddy asshole ! hahahahahaha then the movie was like filled with kisses and **************** ahahhahah ok... The movie is............................ Dun tell u! hahahahahaha
After movie somehow we roamed around Century Square and then decided where to go next! we actually wanted to watch another movie but it was like late evening haix..... so nvm! we headed to SUN PLAZA PARK! hahahahahaha we played there! so fun......we played the swing. Then xue ting me and jun rong challenged each other , Who can swing the highest... wa jun rong say he can swing better than me but......... he doesnt even know how to swing hahahaahha then Xue Ting swang so high almost gonna do a 360 degress spin.... hahaha i was also ok la but aint that high as mei mei xue ting... ahhaahah so fun! But as we were having fun my sandle broke.... like so lame lor! then somehow i just fixed it! hahaha pro man me! ahhah then we took a couple of pictures then of to this thing.... I call it Tarzan! hahahah u can sit on it then be swang from one end to other by someone... hahah so fun! i was like so scared to sit on it but soon i tried! enjoyed it and practically played there till the rain stopped! ahhahaha sry guys.... =)
Ok then we went to to toilet... so funny , Jun rong fooled the girls telling them he could see them but actually cant see a thing! hahahaahha the girls like somehow scared...ooooooooo hahah then we walked through a block which i went up the stairs and acted like the president of Singapore! ahahahaha rather the mad person of geylang! ahahahah...LoL OK then miao si mei and xue ting mei decided to run off 1st and hide..... but the smart jun rong and harmith went to the bus stop and bought drinks... hhahaha then they reach the bus stop late lor! ahahaha
Then we headed to Mac donald but.. then changed plan and went to the KopiTIAM there! ahahha get it???? NVM u r slow! hahaha ok then bought drinks for mei mei /s and myself! the ice lemon tea there sux! like ka pweeeee! sry mei mei /s ! hahaha then took bus home! In the bus i practically slept like nvr sleep before... haha i so lucky then somehow woke up when reaching Khatib MrT! hahah so swee swee! then took train and now at home blogging!
I shall now give out the awards !
For best swinger is........... XUE TING! clap clap! haha
For the most supportive role is............... Miao Si! clap clap! ahha
For the most late comer person is................... Jun Rong! clap clap! ahhaah
For the most craziest and insane person in Singapore is............. Harmith! clap clap clap! ahahah
If u have read finish my blog today tap urself at the back if not!!!!!!!!! SHAME SHAME GO AWAY DONT EVER TALK TO ME AGAIN!hahhhaha joking joking luh... guys! xue ting, miao si, jun rong! thanks for giving me such a wonderful day! u guys rawk! maybe we should go out often! ahahhaha well guys no pictures in insert but hope u can imagine it! ahahhahahahah
U GUYS RAWK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ps* my fever and flu ok liao after hanging out with u guys! hahaha