(2%-Serious, 15%-Caring, 30%-Funny, 10%-Weird, 33%-Talkative, 10%Listener)
= 100% Harmith-Original & Pure * No added substances *
= 100% Harmith-Original & Pure * No added substances *
03 July 2008 @ 7:49:00 PM
Wat's In Harmith's miserable Life TODAY!Narrator Of This Guy's Life
Hi guys! Today morning started off rather quite well. Met sara at the backgate then went to meet yan kei mei at her blk.Then we met fifi suhaini and seri! ahhaha! Then today we were like suppose to read for more than 20mins! i hate reading at times but its a company at times too!
Started off with Literature! hahahahaha something funny happened! mrs reteesh asked me to read one of the pages then i started reading all of the sudden i started to LAUGH! then sara and hairul too! were laughing! Then i started stammering then i really laughed! ahhahahahahhahahahahahha it really was funny u know! i was imagining that i was mrs reteesh's son and that i was her slave and i had to tortured! u may not find it funny but it really was at that time! ahhahahha
Then next was erm..... english! Hahahha i always feel happy to see Ms Siti! ahahahhah like i m really very cool with her! HAHHAHA! Erm...had a comprehension test! was ok lahs! ahahha
Recess is one of my fav. periods! Erm....had a cup of milo and off to the library! I so called played counter attack with sara! ahhahahha lol she can be a debater! hahah LoL!Then we went to the back alley of the stairs! ahahahahah not gaylang lah!its the stairs at near the sports hall at the back! ahhaha we talked there! and then only i realized my hp was spoiled!!!! so freaked out! ahaha
Then was clvs2! i was so called pissed ever since recess! Thanks sara yan kei and jun rong for tolerating my attitude! sry uhs! ok then did things talked to sara , a heated arguement, now alright! ahahah gald to have solved it!
Then was MT! stupid shit! hahahah did maths today! didn't realized i copied wrongly till at home! hahah stupid me! ahhaha then went to hall ..... chated with sara a few things.........then we actually wanted to sit behind but since today yan kei performing so we decided to sit infront! ahahah.......was nice!
Then was assem. was fun! i tell u this is the record breaking that for the first time our school's assem. isn't boring! I had so much fun! laughing! really funny! especially how mr chua made his entry! hahahaha i truely didn't know it was him till i really carefully looked at him! hahahahh really funny!
After school, i ate lunch with sara yan kei jun rong suhaini ashraf and hairul?! ahhahha was so fun! tell u guys smth! I m improving! i m eating faster day by day hahahhahaha soon i will win jun rong and yan kei's speed of eating! ahahhahahaha lame rite?! ahahah
Then at the backgate there also we talked and my best buddy jun rong fixed my handphone! omg! i really owe him one! ahahhaha thanks jun rong! really! hahahah talked abit then left! Went to shop then while walking sara saw this pigeon that was injuried! it couldn't fly! so sara! ask ashraf to move it somewhere fearing that it want to go out in the sun! then eventually she made things worse!? ahahahha lol sry! erm...took the train and chatted with sara today like siaO! i tell u sara is really someone who can really joke and laugh really fast! ahahahha today she kept laughing! hahahahhahah so funny! ahahahahah
Now at home! actually i lost my maths books then i realized that i kept it in my bro's room soo i had to wait till wat 7pm for him to give me my book! shit him! ahhah
Ok guys! i gotta confess something! I talk like a chu chu train! hahahha