(2%-Serious, 15%-Caring, 30%-Funny, 10%-Weird, 33%-Talkative, 10%Listener)
= 100% Harmith-Original & Pure * No added substances *

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    27 July 2008 @ 8:04:00 PM

    Wat's In Harmith's miserable Life TODAY!
    Narrator Of This Guy's Life

    Hi guys! Well today wasn't any kind of a bad or good day...Woke up at 9am slept....woke up at 10am slept....woke up at 11am never slept! ahahha watched sponge bob square pants sponge bob square pants sponge bob.................square pants! Then watched R.E.M. then watched School House Rockz! sang along! ahahah then went online talked to lotz of ppl such as Crystal,Miao Si and Gina! hahaahaaha
    Then bath,............then talk some more then watched TV again......then slept! oh ya! while talking to ppl i also did the DT research too! Too many choices......hahahahah Then woke up at 8pm now.......posting.Doing maths in 10mins time and DT in 1-1 1/2 hrs time. Well then gonna watch tv and sleep! coz no more APPERENTICE! I WANT APPERENTICE!!!!!!!!!!!! hahah well thats about it las vegas.......cya tmr and looking forward to Pulaua Semakau! ahhahahha careful guys, mas selamat may be there! ahhahaha search far and wide for all u know u will find him and get the 1million dollars! ahahhaha..................BB