(2%-Serious, 15%-Caring, 30%-Funny, 10%-Weird, 33%-Talkative, 10%Listener)
= 100% Harmith-Original & Pure * No added substances *

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    17 August 2008 @ 8:45:00 PM

    Wat's In Harmith's miserable Life TODAY!
    Narrator Of This Guy's Life

    Hi Guys! hahaha been long since i last describe what has happened in my life....Well here it goes....

    Today woke up at 8.45am then slept again then woke up at 9am then slept again then woke up at 9.45am.....then slept again...then woke up at 10.45am...ahhah didn't sleep again....watch the Olympic thing then watch school house rawks...then started watching movies at internet....aha watched Dont Mess With The Zohan...ahhah and also watched the eye 2008 de...ahhah so scary and funny! ahaahh

    Then started cleaning up the room, rearranged the furniture, ahahh so cool. Then washed the toilet...trust me....it was hard. Hahaha Well...now gonna do the Maths thing and Then gonna do the Science workbook...ahaha stressed up life...

    Well.......my blog song is really so cool and it's effecting me.....i m singing it everywhere i go....just like how i was singing the song 4 Mins everywhere hahah..i shall call this problem of mine........The S.E.G. disease meaing....Singing Everywhere i Go....S.E.G hahah so cool! hahah

    * Well..... a good piece of news to share with u guys! We are friends again! Hopefully this is the best gift for her as her Birthday present....hahah anyways....looking forward to tmr....dunno why so dont ask...hahah.