(2%-Serious, 15%-Caring, 30%-Funny, 10%-Weird, 33%-Talkative, 10%Listener)
= 100% Harmith-Original & Pure * No added substances *

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    03 August 2008 @ 10:01:00 PM

    Wat's In Harmith's miserable Life TODAY!
    Narrator Of This Guy's Life

    Hi guys! Today was just like any Sunday....a rush hour day!:-where students like me and u! rush our homeworks! hahaha seriously i love delaying things! I woke up at 9am then slept then woke up at 9.30am then slept then woke up at 10.30am then slept again then woke up at 11.30am AND DIDN'T slept again! ahah Watched R.E.M. and school house rockz! ahhaha lol ok las vegas....these shows are like a routine... my every sunday routine! hahah then watched these two back to back movies....then finally i started to do my homework! ahha
    Was like about 7.30pm then i didn't know how to do my graphs works! Honestly i hate graphs! it's so difficult and annoying....hahah! Then i asked my one of the members of THE PERFECT 4!(yan kei!) and she helped me! Thanks! thnaks! thanks! thanks! u have saved my life and i now i shall say i OWE u one! ahah thanks so much! ahhahhahh then i finally could understand graphs...and thanks to yan kei mei! i did it! ahhah sorry to have left u all bored.....u rawks! ahha rawks! rawks! ahaha seriously! ahah thanks!
    Now watching Incredible Tales....not scary at all! Sucks! ahha Soon at 12.30am gonna watch solitary! hahah so cool show! ahah final three leh! ahaha harmith is so weird! staying up so late! ahaha lol! nvm las vegas! hahaha

    Tmr Gonna suffer! graphs!!!!!!!!!!!!!haix.....haha ahha lol! anyways today's highlight is